Product Details

  • Color: Brown / Yellow
  • Moisture: Up to 15%
  • Impurity: 3% (Brown) < 7 to 9% (Yellow)

This is Product detail

We are the trusted Supplier of Blue Star's unique Mega Split AC in the entire Chhattisgarh region. Mega Split AC is ideal for typical high-wall mounted split applications where the capacity needed is much higher than regular splits. The Mega Split AC offers increased air throw and can reach across the room than ordinary splits can. The Mega Split AC offers increased air throw and can reach farther across the room than ordinary splits can.

Active Carbon filter : The carbon filter eliminates odour such as that of ammonia and deactivates harmful chemical gases such as formaldehyde and benzene.

Dust Filter : The dust filter is an advanced filter that traps dust particles in the room, keeping it dust-free and healthy.